Men, more so than women, need to work on awakening their feminine energy to tap into their emotions and the joys of intimacy. In general, women are more advanced emotionally and have a stronger awareness of their thoughts and feelings, and more vulnerable and open to intimacy.

The strong sense of justice, balance and morality of our Divine feminine energy encourages us to look beyond what appears to be the truth. Our feminine energy provides us with empathy, intuition and a need for continued spiritual growth. The right side of our brains link to our Divine feminine energy and the left to our Divine masculine energy. When the Divine feminine in a woman receives a seed from the Divine Masculine, she will nurture into a physical body for a conscious being, the masculine and the feminine energy, to occupy. In Nature we see this creation of life every day. The Divine Feminine energy, first and foremost, is a creative force that brings everything into existence. When balanced, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine form the Spirit of Life and work together in perfect harmony. To restore the balance all genders, we all need to work on awakening our feminine energy and bring it into the light, as the rightful equal to our masculine energy in our efforts to reverse the chaos created by the imbalance. Women started neglecting their feminine side too, favoring their masculine side, for the sake of education, careers and success and survival in what had long been a ‘mans world’. While women were mostly comfortable with their masculine side, men learned from an early age to suppress their feminine side, shamed and bullied into believing it to be a sign of weakness.

The Divine Feminine represents life itself and is associated with creation, nurture, intuition and empathy, and so much more, in each and every one of us. Regardless of gender, we all have masculine and feminine energy, known as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, (yin and yang), in our spirit. List of Divine feminine energy characteristics, qualities & traits.Letting go of pain surrounding femininity
#Symbol for female divinity how to#
Awakening the divine Feminine: How to awaken this energy within yourself.